Energy Cleanse Box / Smudging Kit
Energy Cleanse Box / Smudging Kit
This lovely little crystal and plant medicine kit has been designed for a house energy cleanse and refresh. What’s within?
White Sage stick to cleanse the space of any negative energies
Palo Santo stick bundle ~ perfect for meditation and honouring the positive energy within
Selenite stick/wand for cleaning spaces , animals, auras, people ,recharging crystals and for protection and the good vibes!
Rose quartz stone for love within yourself and the occupants of the house
Snowflake Obsidian for clearing negative energy and protection of the house. This also will help to ground the energy of the house
Howlite for sleeping stillness and an open flowing mind
I will also select a daily affirmation card for you - guaranteed to be just what you need to hear!
Place your stones where you feel drawn but the rose quartz and obsidian are ideal near to the entry of the space and the howlite near where you sleep or meditate. When burning the palo Santo or white sage simply light the end and blow out the flame. Then allow the smoke to cleanse the space as you walk into each room repeating the mantra - ‘I cleanse this space of all unwanted energy. I ask the universe to release any trapped energies into the light. I bless this house/apartment/shop/person with a pure and loving intention for ………….. add what you feel you would like in the aura/space here’. Please note embers may fall from the burning so please carry a plate or small bowl underneath to avoid any embers falling onto floor etc.
All boxes gift wrapped as standard and reiki charged
All products have been ethically sourced and produced